Along with the Xiaomi Pad 6, Xiaomi also launched the Redmi Buds 4 Active, the company’s latest TWS earbuds in India. These have 12mm drivers, Google Fast pair support, Bluetooth 5.3, 12mm drivers, IPX4 water-resistance ratings, touch controls, and Low-latency mode with option.
It promises up to 30 hours of total battery life with a 440mAh battery in the case and will also come with fast charging support that will offer 90 minutes of playback with 10 minutes of charging.
Redmi Buds 4 Active specifications
Bluetooth 5.3 connectivity, SBC codec, Google Fast Pair
12mm drivers designed for Pro bass
Environmental Noise Cancellation
60ms Low-latency Gaming Mode
Touch controls for music playback and launch voice assistant (Siri / Google Voice)
Dimensions Headphones: 31.1×20.9×22.5mm; Weight: 3.6g (Each)
Dimensions Case: 63.2×53.4×24mm; Weight: 41.2g
Splash-resistant (IPX4)
34mAh battery in the headset offers 5 hours of battery life on a single charge, 440mAh battery in the charging case offers 30 hours of backup, 90 minutes of Music Playback with 10 minutes of charge
Pricing and availability
The Redmi Buds 4 Active comes in air white and bass black colors and is priced at Rs. 1399, but it will be available at an offer price of Rs. 1,199 from June 20th to 23rd on, and Xiaomi retail stores.